12 tips to control expenses and save money

Control Expenses and Save Money

Occasionally, when the cost of living has risen really high and hurts too many families, some “magic tricks” related to the control of monthly spending and saving money can really turn out to be a way forward in managing your budget. Control Expenses and Save Money Now, if you wish to start saving, you have … Read more

11 cash flow mistakes your company can’t afford to make

Knowing how to manage cash flow is just as important as having a profitable business . Some mistakes are quite common when structuring cash flow, and  some entrepreneurs end up making the wrong choices , either due to inexperience or lack of knowledge in the financial area, compromising a good assessment and, therefore, its correct management. I’ve come up … Read more

Cash flow: learn how to do it in 6 steps

Regardless of the size of your company, financial organization is essential for maintaining its activities and growing your business. Therefore, using financial tools that allow for organization and planning is essential to stand out in an increasingly dynamic market. In this post, you will understand what cash flow is and learn how to do it in 6 steps, as well as understand … Read more

5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of credit and debit card sales

Credit And Debit Card Sales

In this article, you will understand the pros and cons of this type of sale for your company . So keep reading and stay up to date on the topic! Disadvantages 1. Reduction in profit margin Profit is one of the most important indicators of a company’s performance . In general, the higher the profit, the better for the company . The … Read more

After all, is it possible to increase profits without having to increase prices?

Imagine the following scenario: your business is already recognized in the market and your clientele is established . So, the following question arises: what is the next step to increase profits ? Many believe that increasing prices is the best way. It turns out that if the goal is to ensure greater profitability , this is not always a good measure. The main argument is that … Read more

Cash flow projection: 4 tips for making yours

In today’s post, we will provide a precise analysis of this fundamental activity for any business, regardless of the size of its operations, presenting in an applied way how everything should be done. Continue reading and discover 4 tips for making a good cash flow projection . What is cash flow projection? Before we begin our tips … Read more